Monday, October 13, 2008

We Said Goodbye to Rosie...

As some of you know my sister Marnie's son was allergic to the cat they had so she was trying to find a home for her. After many months without finding a home for her my sister came down to California for mother's day and brought Rosie with her. Jackie and I agreed to take her until we could find a good home for her. Well, that was in May and this weekend we finally placed her in a home that we feel will be most ideal for her. Jackie had a friend whose mother had one cat and was home most of the time that was willing to take her. We are very excited because that is the most ideal for Rosie with her personality and even after all the time we had her, she was still not getting along with one of our cats.

It was a sad day Saturday when we took her over there, but we know that she is in a much better place because she has only one other cat to live with, rather than the four we have. We hope that she will thrive in this new environment and her new owner will come to love her as much as we do!
Goodbye Rosie, we love you!


Karmen said...

aw sad! Rosie was my favorite. My mom and I always felt so bad though that the other cats weren't so friendly. I'm sure she'll like her new home :)

Ashley said...

Thanks Karmen...she was quickly becoming my favorite too, but we sure feel good about her having a good home now! :)

Meg said...

What a good little sister you are!!!

Unknown said...

When the heck did you ever have 100pounds to lose? but WTG!! and Thanks for the kind words, I will just keep at it until I fell content with myself.